Community Engagement

Looking for more ways to get engaged?

Help us on our mission to collect 100 new or gently used blankets to donate to local shelters! Since the start of 2024, our team has been making, buying, and collecting blankets to donate at the end of the year. We’re on a roll, but need your help to reach our goals and continue giving back to our community.

If you’re interested in donating, connect with our team today!

Scott Brown Group is committed to going the extra mile for North Texas community members. Our dedication to your well-being goes beyond exceptional real estate services for residential and commercial properties as we aim to engage with citizens of Denton County on a personal level. This has led us to create the first ever Scott Brown Group Mental Health Awareness Event (MHAE) held right off of Denton Square!

The MHAE will take place during May’s Mental Health Awareness Month on Friday, May 17th from 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. The event will promote the importance of mental health and provide information and contacts regarding mental health and experts in the field. We will also be providing delicious food and fun activities for adults and kids alike, all free while supplies last!

Can’t wait to see you there!

We are still in the process of selecting vendors and accepting sponsors for this event. If you or your business is interested in giving back to the amazing Denton County community and getting involved in the Mental Health Awareness Event, please click the link below.

First Responder Give-Back

We kicked off our Community Outreach this year with a trip to our local Sanger and Denton fire stations. Working closely with Fire Grounds Coffee Co, we were able to provide 25 pounds of coffee to each station. One of our team members even went the extra mile to provide breakfast to these brave first responders. We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to give-back!

First Quarter Community Outreach

Carter BloodCare Blood Drive

We hosted the Carter BloodCare team for a blood drive in early March. Our Scott Brown Group team jumped into action, signing up as some of the first to donate. Even Scott Brown joined in on the fun to give-back. We’re excited to announce that we will be hosting two more blood drives this year. If you’re interested in becoming a donor, connect with our team!

Young at Heart

This year we launched our new, bi-annual give-back program, Young at Heart. This program aims to provides goodies, activities, and outings to senior living, memory care, and rehabilitation residents of North Texas. Our first give-back was held at Avalon Memory Care in Arlington where we passed out goodie bags to the residents and the amazing staff.

See more of our community events below!