Q1 Tenant Spotlights

Fitness Kickboxing is a FULL BODY workout that provides a full spectrum of health benefits. Whether you’re looking to burn body fat, build lean muscle, improve mobility or cardiovascular health Fitness Kickboxing provides it all! Group Fitness Kickboxing also provides a great social experience which has direct effects on our mood and overall well-being. Recent studies have shown that all of these variables have a direct link to our longevity and quality of life as we age! Let’s live our best and LONGEST life possible!

Uptown Cheapskate buys what you loved yesterday and sells what you want today. Bring in your gently used clothes, shoes, bags, and accessories for cash on the spot, and snag amazing deals on the brands you love. At Uptown, you’ll find new and gently used clothes from brands like Coach, Michael Kors, Express, Anthropologie, J. Crew, Urban Outfitters and more at a fraction of the retail price.

Self care in a new way!

Your thumb may not be green, and that is why The Brown Thumb is here. The Brown Thumb is a plant community, but it is also a community of realness. With the goal to create an atmosphere that promotes peace and clarity to help you focus on the most important thing: being in tune with yourself.

The Brown Thumb provide the plants and hand-poured candles to encourage relaxation - you provide the community.

Update on Denton’s Hottest New Pickleball Club

Dinkers Pickleball Club

The lights are on at Dinkers Pickleball Club!

With the plumbing, lights, and air conditioners all installed and ready to roll, we’re thrilled for the highly anticipated grand opening of Dinkers Pickleball Club slated for Saturday, June 1st. For more updates, info, and general pickleball talk, check out Dinkers Pickleball Club’s social media below or follow us on Facebook and Instagram!